Real Geeks Blog

4 Drip Campaigns You Can Activate Today and Get Huge Response

Written by Professor | Mar 4, 2022 4:56:51 PM

Greg Harrelson & Abe Safa break down their favorite drip campaigns you can activate today using your Real Geeks workflow library, as well as a drip campaign of their own. 



Mind the capture to contact ratio.

“So many people focus on the conversion ratio between the contracts that they get meaning: their new leads and the contracts that they write – But I’ve always believed that there's a different ratio you got to focus on … All of us want to write more contracts … but sometimes don't realize how to influence that number.” [Greg Harrelson]

“How many [leads] are you actually talking to? Within those conversations, you are able to determine where those people are in their buying or selling cycle, which gives you a much clearer picture of whether your Ad spend is working or not. It gives you a better picture of how full your pipeline is, which will help you make better decisions.” [Abe Safa]

This is particularly important to keep in mind, especially when using this first drip campaign.  

Buyer leads no contact after the first attempt

“This one campaign, in my opinion, we have tracked more influence on our ROI and our conversion, because of this one campaign.” [Greg Harrelson]

The campaign: 8 steps. 8 messages. 48 hours. 

Regardless of which drip campaign strategy, you adopt the goal of all outreach should be to personally talk to as many of your leads as possible. 

“My opinion is we shouldn't use auto-responders … I understand sometimes we are on appointments and we cannot take calls … but I’m not a believer in using auto-response all the time … I rather you be the person that communicated to them. ” [Greg Harrelson]

Greg and Abe both suggest using the Double-Dial technique (Call a lead – if they don't pick up, then hang up and call them back immediately.) This will help your pick-up rate tremendously as most people who screen their calls pick up on the second call. Both Greg and Abe note to always double-dial prior to deploying any drip campaign. 

Buyer leads- inactive last 6 months

“We kick off this workflow every single week to anyone who meets [the] criteria, and there's not a week that goes by where these two things don’t happen: 1: We identify a lead that we can now work with that we thought was inactive. 2: We identify a lead that we thought was inactive but was active and bought through our competition.” [Greg Harrelson]

Set the leads that purchased with someone else up on a market report for where they bought and they can later become a seller.  

“Just because someone is inactive in your account, Let’s not assume they are inactive in general. I assume they are active, I’ve lost their attention, and I need to win it back ” [Greg Harrelson]

Select this workflow from the Real Geeks library, set the advanced search filter to: all leads inactive last 6 months, and begin the workflow. This workflow gives more attention to the leads you already have, bringing your ROI up and your cost per lead ultimately down. 

Buyer Leads - Active Buyer Unresponsive (no follow-up)


This is for those leads who are active, you can see their actions on your Real Geeks site, but they are not picking up the phone whenever you call them. 

This workflow is 5 messages over 24 hour period. 

“Every person that we call a lead, I believe someone else has the same lead if not  3 or 4 more websites have the same lead … You’ve got to do something to stand out and this workflow would be a way we would do that. ” [Greg Harrelson]

General | Follow up Workflow to database

Unlike the above, this drip campaign is not found in the Real Geeks workflow library. Greg and Abe both use this workflow in-house. 

This simple workflow consists of two text messages, and one email. The messages whether text or email should contain a video component.

“You really need to start incorporating some video in your texts, in your email templates, in your workflow templates, because that really helps you stand out. ” [Greg Harrelson]

Greg and Abe both highlight the use of the Real Geeks’ video tool where you can embed introduction videos, FAQ videos, and other information you want to send your leads in text and email templates.  

“When it comes to using workflows don’t get attached to their response … I see a lot of agents get frustrated when they get a lot of ‘No’s … all that means is they're not interested at this present moment. The whole objective of using these workflows is to get someone engaged in a conversation … Engage them over time and then be there when they are ready.” [Abe Safa].

Ultimately, adapting each one of these workflows and personalizing them with embedded content of your own will not only extend the reach of your pipeline, but it will assist in maintaining and providing value to the relationships in every part of the buy and sell cycle.