Maximize Real Geeks with Essential Insight

Real Geeks Training

Learn how to leverage the Real Geeks system to reach more leads, empower your conversations, and build deeper connections to create more opportunities for your business.

   Discover platform benefits & features

  Customize your tools for personalized success

  Effortlessly navigate, communicate, & convert 

  Streamline tasks with automated efficiency

  Amplify marketing with data-driven tactics

Training Path I
Platform Essentials

Navigate your business with confidence. Establish a solid foundation by delving into Real Geeks platform basics and the key principles of real estate success.

Learn the Essentials →

Training Path II
Lead Generation

Expand your knowledge, & stay ahead of the competition. Take your RG expertise and real estate excellence to the next level with advanced tools & resources.

Start Generating Leads →

Training Path III
Lead Nurture

Dominate your platform & local real estate market. Streamline your processes, increase efficiency, & boost engagement with automated features.

Nurture Leads Like a Pro →

Training Path I

Platform Essentials

Navigate your business with confidence. Establish a solid foundation by delving into Real Geeks platform basics and the key principles of real estate success.


How Real Geeks Will Work for You

See the journey of a lead on your Real Geeks website from “click to close”. Get to know how your website captures contact information, where to access this information, and how to leverage your resources to engage the lead upon signup.

Watch 2 Minute Video

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Techniques for Mastering Speed to Lead

Prioritize new leads and give them immediate attention with industry best practices that will help you develop successful daily habits as a realtor.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Tuesday - 9 AM (CST)
Wednesday - 12 PM (CST)
Thursday - 3 PM (CST)


Maximizing Lead Engagement with Property Alert Emails

Keep your leads informed about homes that match their preferences and drive them back to your website. Build a fence around your leads and win against Zillow, while reinforcing your brand and place in the market.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Tuesday - 3 PM (CST)
Wednesday - 9 AM (CST)
Friday - 12 PM (CST)


Unpacking your Real Geeks Toolkit

Get familiar with the tool belt of resources we’ve configured for you. Take charge of your CRM, giving yourself more time for more deals.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Monday - 1 PM (CST)


CRM Organization, Prioritization, and Communication Strategies

Know who to call, when to call, and why you’re calling, to save valuable time navigating your CRM. Supercharge your organization and efficiency while boosting engagement.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Monday - 9 AM (CST)
Tuesday - 12 PM (CST)
Thursday - 2 PM (CST)

Training Path II

Lead Generation

Dominate your platform & local real estate market. Streamline your processes, increase efficiency, & boost engagement with automated features.


Social Media Strategies to Attract Opportunities 

Start leveraging your social media network for new business opportunities. Build a game plan to connect with more leads, and boost your brand awareness.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Monday - 12 PM (CST)
Thursday - 9 AM (CST)


Streamline Lead Generation with The Facebook Ad Tool

Excite and engage audiences with streamlined Facebook Ads. Learn practical strategies to drive more leads to your website with the Real Geeks Facebook Ad Tool.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Wednesday - 2 PM (CST)
Friday - 2 PM (CST)


Essential Website Tweaks

We’ve equipped you with a powerful lead capture and conversion website, now learn how to infuse your brand and leave a lasting impression on website visitors.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Tuesday - 11 AM (CST)
Thursday - 12 PM (CST)


Creating Website Pages with Real Geeks

Take a deeper dive into niche lead generation and make the most out of your farming areas. Create search pages to attract additional audiences such as luxury clients, second home buyers, and 55+ communities.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Friday - 10 AM (CST)

Training Path III

Lead Nurture

Expand your knowledge, & stay ahead of the competition. Take your RG expertise and real estate excellence to the next level with advanced tools & resources.


Streamline Your Strategy with Effective Lead Communication

Explore essential techniques to engage your database and online leads in mass. Build brand authority and stay top-of-mind to increase your number of closings.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Tuesday - 2 PM (CST)
Friday - 9 AM (CST)


Automate Communication with Workflows

Unlock the power of automated lead nurturing with Workflows. Access customizable templates, configure campaigns tailored to your business, and turbocharge your success by nurturing more leads in less time.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Monday - 2 PM (CST)
Wednesday - 3 PM (CST)


Advanced CRM Customizations

Give your real estate business a foundation by housing everything in one central location – your Real Geeks CRM. Discover more ways to identify and organize leads in your CRM, and explore third-party integrations with your Lead Manager.

Schedule Interactive Group Session | Online (Zoom)

Friday - 11 AM (CST)